Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 was a FANTASTIC YEAR!!


WOW!!  Can you believe it is the last day of 2013?  I am still amazed at how quickly the year seemed to just fly by.  As I sit here today, I am overwhelmed with emotions.  I am so THANKFUL for each one of you and the POSITIVE IMPACT you have had on my life this year.  I am BLESSED to have the opportunity to walk along side of you-coaching and encouraging you along your journey to live healthy on a daily basis.  You are AMAZING!!  

I am anxiously awaiting the INCREDIBLE events that will take place in 2014-I BELIEVE that they are going to be AWESOME!!  Each of you have your own path/journey in life and I am excited to see where your path takes you in the new year.  Enjoy your ride.  You only have one ride through life so make the most of it and smile/laugh and enjoy it!!

Sunday, December 29, 2013


I came across this today as I was readying.  As you finish out 2013, it could be a good time to think about how you can do things better in 2014-maybe it is to be happier.  I just wanted to share this with you-It is from IDEA Fitness Journal.

Want to live a longer and better life? Increase your happiness! Contrary to old notions that happiness is shallow or naïve, there is a growing body of evidence that happiness is beneficial for morbidity (risk of illness), survival of illness and longevity (Diener & Chan 2011). Diener and Chan’s research review suggests that high subjective well-being may add 4–10 years of life compared with low subjective well-being (and the years will also be more enjoyable than they would have been for less happy people, the authors note!).
So how do you become happier? Mary Monroe, a freelance writer in the Los Angeles area, shares some insights from happiness experts.
Exercise Helps
“Exercise may well be the most effective instant happiness booster of all activities,” says researcher Sonja Lyubomirsky in her book, The How of Happiness: A Scientific Approach to Getting the Life You Want(Penguin 2007). A review of over 50 studies confirmed that there is sufficient evidence to show that even single sessions of activity can improve mood, and people who are more active are more likely to rate themselves and their mental well-being more positively (Fox 1999).
Move From Negative to Positive
In addition to exercise, you need to take in good experiences to feel happier and more confident. This helps you defeat the brain’s negativity bias, which is like Velcro® for bad experiences but Teflon® for positive ones, notes Rick Hanson, PhD, in his book, Just One Thing: Developing a Buddha Brain One Simple Practice at a Time (New Harbinger 2011). Mental activity, such as meditation, can reshape the brain and help it focus on the positive.
Train the Brain to Be Happy
You can also “trick” the brain to take in the good or to deeply savor positive experiences, says Hanson. He suggests that by holding positive experiences in awareness for 10, 20 or even 30 seconds, you can train your brain to remember them, helping to offset the natural inclination to forget the positive and remember the negative.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

2013 was an INCREDIBLE year at beLIeVE Fitness!!  I am very thankful for you and the POSITIVE IMPACT you have had in my life this year.  I am AMAZED at the progress each one of you have made during the year.  Success doesn't happen overnight.  For those of you who are currently facing some challenges or obstacles in your life, know that you WILL get through them.  You gotta keep your mind right, your head strong, and you must keep on fighting the good fight.  This is when your mind should start crafting your big goals for 2014.  I BELIEVE that the planning process is critical to success and I LOVE sharing what I've learned with you.  So let's start thinking about your goals for 2014-Let's make this happen!!  I am looking forward to continuing down the road of healthy living through out 2014.